The Weekly Koozbanian

To recieve 1 (one) complete issue of the weekly koozbanian please leave $2,000,000 (canadian, because it's pretty) behind Mrs. O'leahry's cow at the end of Church street in the little town of West El Loco, Texas. In case you're wondering, yes, this is the famous cow that started the great Chicago fire all those years ago. You see, the cow was one of our original operatives here on earth. One day, being completly tired of being a cow in the windy city she started the fire for some excitement. Rest asured she has been punished severly and now not only does she remain a cow, she is forced to be an intergalatic paper girl. Anyway, just leave the cash there in a non-biodegradable plastic bag and in a few short ions (Hey, it's a bulk rate) you'll recieve your own copy of the WK.

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We have few departments to start out with but soon, with our large staff of writers we shall be growing in no time flat. Our staff is up to three writers so far. That's eleven arms furiously typing to produce this excellent effort. Find out about our authors.